Wheaton magazine

Volume 21 // Issue 3
Wheaton magazine // Autumn 2018
Alumni News
A Word With Alumni

A Word With Alumni

Cindra Stackhouse Taetzsch '82, Senior Director for Vocation and Alumni Engagement and Executive Director, Wheaton College Alumni Association
Mike Hudson '89

In May, my daughter Emily walked across the Edman Chapel stage and received her diploma from President Ryken. She has been diligently studying for the law school entrance exam, and she hopes to work for a year or two before starting law school. When Emily completed the “first destination survey” given to seniors the week of graduation, she indicated that she is hoping to begin a full-time job in September. A couple of weeks ago, she was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from her Wheaton College career coach, Ethan Jones M.A. ’17. Although they had already connected well before graduation, Ethan was now following up to see if there was anything he could do to help Emily secure employment after her LSAT.

Yes, Wheaton has come a long way in fixing a problem that has concerned alumni for decades. One of the questions on last year’s alumni survey was, “How important are skills/training for career and how well did Wheaton College do at providing this?” You told us there was a significant gap between what you expected and what you received. Three years ago, Wheaton launched the Center for Vocation and Career (CVC) with a new vision, new leadership, and a solid commitment to helping prepare our students for life after Wheaton. Career coaches are now embedded in academic departments; faculty are partnering with the CVC; over 50 percent of last year’s sophomore class attended one or more of the optional “Canvas: Framing Your Vocation and Career” events; we are actively helping students find internships; and hundreds of alumni are volunteering their time and expertise as mentors.

And all our CVC services, including individual coaching, are available to alumni for two full years after graduation. Imagine what a relief it is for our youngest alumni to know they are not alone as they navigate post-Wheaton life.

If the CVC—partnering with faculty, alumni, and parents—is successful, Wheaton graduates can start to “build the church and benefit society worldwide” right away, soon after graduation.

Many of you have prayed for us and given your time, financial resources, and professional expertise to make the CVC what it is today—thank you. If you have questions about the CVC, shoot me an email at alumni@wheaton.edu.I’d love to tell you more. 
