Wheaton magazine

Volume 20 // Issue 2
Wheaton magazine // Spring 2017
News And Profiles
Student News
Andrea Rodriguez M.A. '17 with children and families in Latin America. illustration by michelle thompson

Seek Justice, Love Mercy

Wheaton College Graduate School

To learn more and to apply, visit the Graduate School's website.

GOD'S FAITHFULNESS never ceases to amaze me. When I was accepted to the Wheaton College Graduate School’s M.A. in Intercultural Studies program, I was awarded a Billy Graham Center International Christian Leader Scholarship. My husband (Matt Coombs ’11) and I moved to the U.S. so I could pursue my dream: grad school at Wheaton.

I have served in Latin America with World Vision, Samaritan’s Purse, and International Justice Mission, working with children who suffer violent oppression inflicted by individuals and systems. I often ask myself as I fight for human rights: If we only save souls and leave the bodies of children who are brutally assaulted in the hands of their perpetrators, how is the gospel good news for them?

Wheaton gave me practical skills to take to the field. Beyond that, my classes became a safe space to wrestle through this question. My professors and classmates listened to my stories and shared their own, and the Graduate School provided spaces for me to share my experiences and passion. I even led a prayer chapel for justice! I now feel better equipped to continue working for God’s kingdom by seeking justice and empowering others to do the same.
