This autumn, Chaplain Timothy Blackmon and the Chaplain’s Office staff introduced a new chapel curriculum structured around a four-year Bible lectionary. Each Monday, a gospel reading is presented; each Wednesday features a narrative reading; and each Friday service contains a Psalm.
Wheaton College Chapel
“We think the weekly rhythm of ‘Gospel,’ ‘Story,’ and ‘Song’ will fuel our community with God-centered worship and ultimately cultivate a deep love for Christ and his kingdom,” Chaplain Blackmon says.
The Chaplain’s Office also began hosting a new weekly Bible study open to all students that follows the Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible calendar, a daily reading plan that begins with Genesis, Ezra, Matthew, and Acts, and leads the reader through the entire Bible in a year.
“The goal of this method is not merely Bible knowledge or achieving a base-level biblical literacy—a worthy goal in and of itself—but to ‘let the Word of God dwell richly in our hearts,’” Chaplain Blackmon says. “I want students to be ‘fluent’ in the Scriptures, deepening their understanding of how the world is, awakening them to see the world from God’s perspective.
The goal is to see the world as Jesus sees it and to begin to adjust our lives accordingly.”
The Student Chaplain for Scripture Engagement, a new student chaplaincy position focused on encouraging and facilitating regular reading, studying, digesting, and following of God’s Word on campus, is heavily involved in planning and implementing this weekly study.
To learn more and to watch chapel live online, visit To view past chapel messages, visit