Wheaton magazine

Volume 19 // Issue 3
Wheaton magazine // Autumn 2016
Photo by Tony Hughes

Reachable: Planned Gifts

What Your Gift Toward the $32.8 million goal will accomplish

Gifts will be used to invest in the future of high-quality Christian education for our students at Wheaton College by supporting our programs, resources, and infrastructure known for excellence. We will provide students with an excellent education now and secure Wheaton College’s high-quality, Christ-centered education for generations to come.

In 1965, Dr. Clyde S. Kilby HON founded what eventually became known as the Marion E. Wade Center, a major research collection of materials by and about seven esteemed British authors, including C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. In addition, through their estate plan, Dr. Kilby and his wife, Martha, funded another lasting legacy—the Clyde S. Kilby Professor of English endowed chair. 

Over the years, the Kilby chair has been held by various faculty, including Dr. Rolland Hein ’54, Dr. Roger Lundin ’71, Dr. Leland Ryken hon, Dr. Alan Jacobs, and Dr. Christina Bieber Lake, who currently holds the position. 

“I receive an eight-hour course release—one class each semester—as well as a generous yearly stipend for research, travel, books, or other academic projects,” says Dr. Bieber Lake. “By far, the space to think, read, and write that the release offers is the greatest gift. The Kilby chair has given me a jump-start on my current research project in which I am writing, through an analysis of the work of several prominent contemporary American writers, a theology of story.” 

Beyond their academic legacy, Clyde and Martha Kilby are also remembered for the hospitality they offered to students outside the classroom. Marjorie Lamp Mead ’74, interim director of the Marion E. Wade Center, notes that the Kilby home was “a warm, welcoming place for students who have since gone on to do creative and spectacular things...a result, in part, of the Kilby’s ongoing encouragement and friendship.” 

By establishing a gift to Wheaton through their estate, the Kilby family sparked a legacy that lives on in the hearts and lives of students. Holders of the Kilby Chair will provide hospitality, mentorship, and insight for generations to come. Just like the Kilbys, you too can impact the lives of students and faculty for years to come by giving to Wheaton College through your estate plan.

To learn more about Planned Gifts, visit Wheaton's website. To give, visit "Giving to Wheaton." 
