In his stimulating book, Quality With Soul: How Six Premier Colleges and Universities Keep Faith with Their Religious Traditions, Lutheran scholar Robert Benne observes that the overarching nature of Wheaton College’s “guiding vision . . . has allowed [it] to lift its quality as a rigorous liberal arts college without losing its soul.” In commending both the College’s academics and faith commitments, Benne further notes, “Wheaton is not content with imparting knowledge and integrating faith and learning on the theoretical level; it also intends to form its students deeply so that they will affect the world.”
As I experience the pleasure of interacting with our alumni who are engaged in a remarkably broad spectrum of vocational pursuits—on personal, voluntary, and professional levels—I am often struck by just how many ways a Wheaton education manifests itself, and indeed “affects the world.” It is a reminder of the fact that what we do here is genuinely important and enduring, generation after generation. It is also a reminder that God has blessed the College and its alumni in ways too numerous to count, and that we are reliant upon his sustaining grace and provision as we carry out our mission.
In the following section, we are pleased to present a collection of articles and photographs that we hope will provide you with warm, compelling reminders of the special community that is the Wheaton family—a family of which you are a unique part. May you celebrate with us the many ways that those who received diplomas on the stage of Edman Chapel in commencements past, those who currently scurry to Blanchard Hall for classes present, and those who will one day excitedly open their invitation letters for freshman orientations future have and will engage a Wheaton education in their families, communities, churches, and the world.
While you turn through these pages, I encourage you to consider the many faithful, unnamed supporters of the College who provided the necessary resources to make the experiences and stories depicted possible. As we endeavor to continue Wheaton’s 156- year narrative of grace, we invite you to prayerfully consider participating in our new capital campaign, From the Heart, For the Kingdom. Your impact will be immeasurable!
Send story ideas and feedback to, and learn more about how to become involved with Wheaton's Alumni Association on their website. To give, visit "Giving to Wheaton."