Wheaton magazine

Volume 20 // Issue 3
Wheaton magazine // Autumn 2017
News And Profiles
Campus News

Wheaton in the News

“It seems to me that our well-intentioned impulse to ‘celebrate diversity’ doesn’t take diversity seriously enough, relegating it to something of a curiosity rather than deep-seated commitments that may, at times, be in conflict.” 

DR. BRYAN McGRAW, associate professor of politics, from “Flourishing in a Pluralist World,” Public Justice Review: A Publication of the Center for Public Justice, March 1, 2017

“Practicing the Christian virtue of endurance places us in the middle of God’s salvation narrative brought to completion in Christ, because it demonstrates in our soon-to-be-resurrected bodies that we are co-heirs with a suffering Messiah.” 

DR. LYNN COHICK, professor of New Testament, from “The ‘Feminine’ Trait Every Christian Needs to Learn,” Christianity Today, March 28, 2017

“While Christian hope can never rest in any American orthodoxy, Hamilton may inform how we Christians perform liturgy together in an effort to draw closer to the truth that is in God.”

DR. BETH FELKER JONES, professor of theology, from “Hamilton is so much bigger than Hamilton,” The Christian Century, March 17, 2017
