Wheaton magazine

Volume 18 // Issue 3
Wheaton magazine // Autumn 2015
News And Profiles
Faculty News

Faculty Publications

DR. PHILIP G. RYKEN ’88, president. Why Everything Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes (Christian Focus, September 2015)
DR. TAMARA TOWNSEND, assistant professor of Spanish. Memory and Identity in the Narratives of Soledad Puértolas: Constructing the Past and the Self (Lexington Books, September 2014)
DR. JOANN NISHIMOTO M.A. ’99, PSY.D. ’02, director of clinical training at the Wheaton College Counseling Center. Courage for Lambs: A Psychologist’s Memoir of Recovery from Abuse and Loss (Westbow Press/Thomas Nelson, October 2014)
DR. SANDRA RICHTER, professor of Old Testament. The Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament (Seedbed Publishing, 2014)
DR. JERRY ROOT, associate professor of evangelism and leadership and director of the Wheaton Evangelism Initiative of the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism, and MARK NEAL ’00. The Surprising Imagination of C. S. Lewis: An Introduction (Abingdon, 2015)

DR. TOM SCHWANDA, associate professor of Christian formation and ministry. “Sweetnesse in Communion with God: The Contemplative—Mystical Piety of Thomas Watson?" (Dutch Journal for the History of Reformed Pietism vol. 1, issue 2, 2015).
