Wheaton magazine

Volume 21 // Issue 1
Wheaton magazine // Winter 2018

A Journey from the CVC to San Francisco

A Wheaton graduate with a bachelor’s in communications and theater can work anywhere—even at a digital marketing firm whose business depends on data analytics and software. Just ask Annie (Benson) Varberg ’15, a Content Production Coordinator for Epsilon, a global marketing company. 

Annie is quick to credit the Center for Vocation and Career Director Dee Pierce. “Dee and the CVC were instrumental in helping me get my job at Epsilon,” Annie says. “Through resume and cover letter editing, insightful mock-interview sessions, career counseling, and ultimately hosting Epsilon recruiters on campus for interviews, the CVC gave me the courage and resources to apply for and accept my position at Epsilon.” 

From the company’s San Francisco office, Annie works with a team to create video and photography content for Epsilon clients. She builds and maintains relationships with production companies and manages projects from concept to delivery. “The work is fast-paced, creative, and challenging,” she says. “I am learning new things every day.” 

What advice does she have? 

“I encourage students to start utilizing the CVC early in their time at Wheaton,” Annie says. “It’s never too early to start thinking about your career.” 
